
class pydirtygrid.PhotDG.PhotDG(datafile='data/dirtygrid_29mar17.hdf5')[source]

Read in the DirtyGrid cube from a HDF5 file


(self.)seds: a list that grows with the SED you choose to extract

(self.)dgrid: the HDF5 file: with attributes corresponding to the

parameters values; with each dataset corresponding to each band

Methods Summary

findIndexFromParams(grain, geom, sf_type, ...) Give a set of parameters and find where they will be stored in the
photAddNew(wave0, band_name, newcube[, datafile]) Create the new dataset and add it to the file
photGet(grain, geom, sf_type, metal, age, ...) Save photometry points given a set of parameters.
photPlot([ind]) Plot photometry points, either giving a specific set of bands, or all

Methods Documentation

findIndexFromParams(grain, geom, sf_type, metal, age, sfr, tau)[source]

Give a set of parameters and find where they will be stored in the DirtyGrid cube


grain: string

type of grain

geom: string


sf_type: string

star formation type

metal: float


age: float

age of the stellar population

sfr: float

star formation rate

tau: float

optical depth


indgt, indgm, indst, indmt, indsa, indsr, indta: integers

the corresponding indices

photAddNew(wave0, band_name, newcube, datafile='data/dirtygrid_29mar17.hdf5')[source]

Create the new dataset and add it to the file


wave0: float

central wavelength of the new filter

band_name: string

name of the new filter

newcube: array(3, 6, 2, 5, 50, 29, 25) (float)

new photometry to be added to the file as a new dataset

photGet(grain, geom, sf_type, metal, age, sfr, tau, bands=-1)[source]

Save photometry points given a set of parameters. The function allows for:

  • values not in the DGrid parameter sampling, and finds the closest point
  • specific bands only

grain: string

type of grain

geom: string


sf_type: string

star formation type

metal: float


age: float

age of the stellar population

sfr: float

star formation rate

tau: float

optical depth


seds: save the corresponding SED

Plot photometry points, either giving a specific set of bands, or all
of them either giving a specific index of which if more that one saved, or all of them

ind: integer(s) (Optional)

indices of the SED you wish to plot
