Source code for pydirtygrid.PhotDG

from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)

import numpy as np
from import fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.table import Table
import h5py

__all__ = ['PhotDG']

[docs]class PhotDG: """ Read in the DirtyGrid cube from a HDF5 file Returns ------- (self.)seds: a list that grows with the SED you choose to extract (self.)dgrid: the HDF5 file: with attributes corresponding to the parameters values; with each dataset corresponding to each band """ def __init__(self, datafile='data/dirtygrid_29mar17.hdf5'): f = h5py.File(datafile, "r+") # Create the objects self.seds = [] self.dgrid = f # convert binary strings to regular strings # does not work, need to find the way to do this... #self.dgrid.attrs['grain'] = [str(a) # for a in self.dgrid.attrs['grain']]
[docs] def print_parameters(self): print('SEDs in erg/s/micrometer') print('') print('-- Discrete parameters') print(' - Grain types: ' + str(self.dgrid.attrs['grain'])) print(' - Geometries: ' + str(self.dgrid.attrs['geom'])) print(' - Star formation types: ' + str(self.dgrid.attrs['sf_type'])) print('-- Continuous parameters') print(' - Metallicities: ' + str(self.dgrid.attrs['metal'][0]) + ' to ' + str(self.dgrid.attrs['metal'][-1]) + ' (' + str(len(self.dgrid.attrs['metal'])) + ' values)') print(' - Stellar ages: ' + str(self.dgrid.attrs['age'][0]) + ' to ' + str(self.dgrid.attrs['age'][-1]) + ' [Myr] (' + str(len(self.dgrid.attrs['age'])) + ' values)') print(' - Star formation rates: ' + str(self.dgrid.attrs['sfr'][0]) + ' to ' + str(self.dgrid.attrs['sfr'][-1]) + ' [Solar mass] (' + str(len(self.dgrid.attrs['sfr'])) + ' values)') print(r' /!\ 5e-11 factor if Star formation type is Continuous [Solar mass / year]') print(' - Optical depth: ' + str(self.dgrid.attrs['tau'][0]) + ' to ' + str(self.dgrid.attrs['tau'][-1]) + ' (' + str(len(self.dgrid.attrs['tau'])) + ' values)') print(' -- Bands available') print(str(self.dgrid.attrs['band']))
[docs] def photGet(self, grain, geom, sf_type, metal, age, sfr, tau, bands=-1): """ Save photometry points given a set of parameters. The function allows for: - values not in the DGrid parameter sampling, and finds the closest point - specific bands only Parameters ---------- grain: string type of grain geom: string geometry sf_type: string star formation type metal: float metallicity age: float age of the stellar population sfr: float star formation rate tau: float optical depth Returns ------- seds: save the corresponding SED """ tmpsed = [] # grain #In case the whole name is not known fd_grain = [s for s in self.dgrid.attrs['grain'] if grain.encode() in s] w_grain = np.where(fd_grain == self.dgrid.attrs['grain']) ind_grain = w_grain[0][0] # geometry fd_geom = np.where(geom.encode() == self.dgrid.attrs['geom']) ind_geom = fd_geom[0][0] # sf type sf_type = sf_type.lower() if sf_type == 'burst': ind_sf_type = 0 else: ind_sf_type = 1 # metal fd_metal = np.where((min(np.abs(self.dgrid.attrs['metal']-metal)) == np.abs(self.dgrid.attrs['metal']-metal))) ind_metal = fd_metal[0][0] # age fd_age = np.where((min(np.abs(self.dgrid.attrs['age']-age)) == np.abs(self.dgrid.attrs['age']-age))) ind_age = fd_age[0][0] # sfr fd_sfr = np.where((min(np.abs(self.dgrid.attrs['sfr']-sfr)) == np.abs(self.dgrid.attrs['sfr']-sfr))) ind_sfr = fd_sfr[0][0] # tau fd_tau = np.where((min(np.abs(self.dgrid.attrs['tau']-tau)) == np.abs(self.dgrid.attrs['tau']-tau))) ind_tau = fd_tau[0][0] # bands if bands == -1: bands = self.dgrid.attrs['band'] # Output SED - all bands #ToDo: Test if the requested bands exist #ToDo: Add the corresponding wavelengths to the extracted SED for b in bands: tmpsed.append(self.dgrid[b][ind_grain, ind_geom, ind_sf_type, ind_metal, ind_age, ind_sfr, ind_tau]) self.seds.append(tmpsed)
[docs] def photPlot(self, ind=-1): """ Plot photometry points, either giving a specific set of bands, or all of them either giving a specific index of which if more that one saved, or all of them Parameters ---------- ind: integer(s) (Optional) indices of the SED you wish to plot """ # ToDo: Add colors fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Plot plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel('$\lambda L(\lambda)$ [$erg$ $s^{-1}$]', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('Wavelength [$\mu m$]', fontsize=15) if ind == -1: print('Plotting all SEDs in object') for i in range(len(self.seds)): plt.scatter(self.dgrid.attrs['effwaves'], self.dgrid.attrs['effwaves']*np.array(self.seds[i])) else: #print 'Plotting just one' for i in ind: plt.scatter(self.dgrid.attrs['effwaves'], self.dgrid.attrs['effwaves']*np.array(self.seds[i]))
[docs] def findIndexFromParams(self, grain, geom, sf_type, metal, age, sfr, tau): """ Give a set of parameters and find where they will be stored in the DirtyGrid cube Parameters ---------- grain: string type of grain geom: string geometry sf_type: string star formation type metal: float metallicity age: float age of the stellar population sfr: float star formation rate tau: float optical depth Returns ------- indgt, indgm, indst, indmt, indsa, indsr, indta: integers the corresponding indices """ indgt = np.where(self.dgrid.attrs['grain'] == grain) indgm = np.where(self.dgrid.attrs['geom'] == geom) indst = np.where(self.dgrid.attrs['sf_type'] == sf_type) indmt = np.where(self.dgrid.attrs['metal'] == metal) indsa = np.where(self.dgrid.attrs['age'] == age) indsr = np.where(self.dgrid.attrs['sfr'] == sfr) indta = np.where(self.dgrid.attrs['tau'] == tau) return indgt, indgm, indst, indmt, indsa, indsr, indta
[docs] def photAddNew(self, wave0, band_name, newcube, datafile='data/dirtygrid_29mar17.hdf5'): """ Create the new dataset and add it to the file Parameters ---------- wave0: float central wavelength of the new filter band_name: string name of the new filter newcube: array(3, 6, 2, 5, 50, 29, 25) (float) new photometry to be added to the file as a new dataset """ fnew = h5py.File(datafile, "r+") # Update the nominal wavelengths oldwaves = f.attrs['effwaves'].tolist() oldwaves.append(wave0) fnew.attrs['effwaves'] = oldwaves # Update the attribute oldbands = fnew.attrs['band'].tolist() oldbands.append(band_name) fnew.attrs['band'] = oldbands # Create new dataset fnew[band_name] = newcube fnew.flush() fnew.close()