Source code for pydirtygrid.SpecDG

from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)

from astropy.table import Table
import numpy as np
from import fits

# fix needed till get's updated - need to check this
fits.column.ASCII2NUMPY['E'] = fits.column.ASCII2NUMPY['F'] = 'f8'

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import string as st
import subprocess
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.integrate import simps
from pydirtygrid.PhotDG import PhotDG
import h5py

__all__ = ['SpecDG']

[docs]class SpecDG: def __init__(self): """ Read in the mapping file for all spectra Returns ------- (self.)plan: Table table containing the identification of each spectrum, as well as its parameters (self.)seds: list empty list to save the spectra if you want to """ mapfile = '/astro/dust_kg3/klaw/cloudy2/dirtygrid_db/django/param_table6_combined.tsvx' self.plan =, format='ascii') self.seds = [] #self.waves = []
[docs] def findFile(self,file_id): """ Returns the full filename for a given GID from the spectrum mapping. Parameter --------- file_id: string identification number of the spectrum to be read; 'gid' column of the self.plan Table Returns ------- filepath+filename: string the absolute path and name of the .fits file """ alphab = [] for i in range(26): alphab.append(st.uppercase[i]) alphab = np.array(alphab) ind_id = [] for i in range(len(file_id)): tmp_i = np.where(file_id[i] == alphab) if len(tmp_i[0] == 1): ind_id.append(tmp_i[0][0]) else: break prefix = ''.join(alphab[ind_id]) filepath = '/astro/dust_kg3/klaw/cloudy2/nasa_fits/'+prefix \ +'/'+str(file_id[-4:-2])+'/' files = [] proc = subprocess.Popen(['ls', filepath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in proc.stdout.readlines(): files.append(line.rstrip()) filename = [s for s in files if file_id in s] if len(filename) == 0: return 'Void' else: filename = filename[0] return filepath+filename
[docs] def findGidFromParam(self, grain, geom, sf_type, metal, age, sfr, tau): """ Returns the GID given a set of parameters (If you want to plot or something) Parameters ---------- grain: string type of grain geom: string geometry sf_type: string star formation type metal: float metallicity age: float age of the stellar population sfr: float star formation rate tau: float optical depth Returns ------- file_gid: string identification number of the spectrum with the given set of parameters """ # ToDo: A better way to do this? ind = np.where( (self.plan['grain'] == grain) & (self.plan['geom'] == geom) & (self.plan['sf_type'] == sf_type) & (self.plan['metal'] == metal) & (self.plan['age'] == age) & (self.plan['sfr'] == sfr) & (self.plan['tau'] == tau) ) # Not all spectra available # -- Exit if non existant - Until interpolation? if len(ind[0]) == 0: return # If valid, then go on file_gid = self.plan['gid'][ind[0][0]] return file_gid
[docs] def findParamsFromGid(self, thisgid): """ Returns the parameter values for a given GID (Used later to update the cube) Parameters ---------- thisgid: string identification number of the spectrum Returns ------- thisgt, thisgm, thissf, thismt, thissa, thissr, thista: integers indices of the parameter values for the given spectrum, in the multidimensional photometry cube """ ind_gid = np.where(self.plan['gid'] == thisgid) thisgt = self.plan['grain'][ind_gid[0][0]] # Grain type thisgm = self.plan['geom'][ind_gid[0][0]] # Geometry thissf = self.plan['sf_type'][ind_gid[0][0]] # Star formation type thismt = self.plan['metal'][ind_gid[0][0]] # Metal thissa = self.plan['age'][ind_gid[0][0]] # Stellar age thissr = self.plan['sfr'][ind_gid[0][0]] # Star formation rate thista = self.plan['tau'][ind_gid[0][0]] # Optical depth return thisgt, thisgm, thissf, thismt, thissa, thissr, thista
[docs] def specGet(self, filename): """ Save a spectrum from the filename Parameters ---------- filename: string absolute path to the spectrum you want to read Returns ------- (self.)seds: list update the list to add the SED (self.)waves: array the wavelengths to the SED """ # Read the fits file hdulist = scidata = hdulist[1].data self.seds.append(scidata['Flux']) self.waves = scidata['Wavelength']
[docs] def specPlot(self, ind=-1): """ Plot SEDs, either giving a specific index of which if more that one saved, or all of them Parameters ---------- ind: integer(s) (Optional) indices of the SED you wish to plot """ plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel('Luminosity [$erg$ $s^{-1}$ $\mu m^{-1}$]', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('Wavelength [$\mu m$]', fontsize=15) if ind == -1: print('Plotting all SEDs in object') for i in range(len(self.seds)): plt.plot(self.waves, self.seds[i]) else: for i in ind: plt.plot(self.waves, np.array(self.seds[ind])) # ToDo: need a legend # ToDo: specify an figure/subplot if desired?
[docs] def spec2Phot(self, trans_curve, trans_waves, wave0, energy=1): """ Compute the new photometry Parameters ---------- trans_curve: array transmission curve of the new filter /!\ Alread read, as an array trans_waves: array wavelengths of the new filter wave0: float center/effective wavelength of the new filter energy: integer (Optional) specification for integration with energy(=1, default) or photons Returns ------- newcube: array(3, 6, 2, 5, 50, 29, 25) (float) new photometry cube """ # Create an instance of the PhotDG class to call functions phtemp = PhotDG(silent=1) light_speed = 2.998e14 # microns/s n_files = len(self.plan['gid']) # Create the array to fill newcube = np.empty((3,6,2,5,50,29,25)) # Read in each spectrum for i in range(n_files): if (i % 1000) == 0: print(i) filename = self.findFile(self.plan['gid'][i]) if filename == 'Void': continue hdu = scidata = hdu[1].data spec = scidata['Flux'] # SED # Wavelength (same for all files) if i == 0: dgwave = scidata['Wavelength'] # Interpolate the spectral response on DG wavelength grid # Do it in log space func = interpolate.interp1d(trans_waves, np.log10(trans_curve), kind='slinear') tr_ind = np.where( (dgwave > np.min(trans_waves)) & (dgwave < np.max(trans_waves))) newtran = func(dgwave[tr_ind]) newtran = 10**newtran # Frequencies nu0 = light_speed/wave0#[indf] nu = light_speed/dgwave[tr_ind] # Total response curve, for integration (Used simps) if energy == 1: tot_resp_curve = simps(newtran*nu0/nu, dgwave[tr_ind]) tmp_phot = simps(spec[tr_ind]*newtran, dgwave[tr_ind]) newphot = tmp_phot / tot_resp_curve else: # In photons. Do the Blackbody too? tot_resp_curve = simps(newtran*nu0/nu**2, dgwave[tr_ind]) tmp_phot = simps(spec[tr_ind]*newtran/nu, dgwave[tr_ind]) newphot = tmp_phot / tot_resp_curve # Fill the array curgt, curgm, cursf, curmt, cursa, cursr, curta = \ self.findParamsFromGid(self.plan['gid'][i]) indgt, indgm, indsf, indmt, indsa, indsr, indta = \ phtemp.findIndexFromParams(curgt, curgm, cursf, curmt, cursa, cursr, curta) newcube[indgt, indgm, indsf, indmt, indsa, indsr, indta] = newphot return newcube
#ToDo: maybe save sometimes to avoid all recompute if fails somewhere? ##########